
Wishing everyone a wonderful christmas filled with love and happiness=)
Goodbyes were never easy for me.So, when it was Mike's time to leave for Philippines you can just imagine how I felt. Everything was planned beforehand we would spend all our free times together that week. I asked to get switched from my work. We didn't go with our friends to Vegas and he would always come to my house after work.
Months before I already accepted that we're not going to spend holidays together. But as the day inches its way and sadness started to cripple in.Wala na.
I didn't plan to drop him off to the airport coz I don't want his relatives see me crying.So, after we said our goodbyes and hugs. I went straight to my car and drove home. Grabe!!crying to da max ako while driving. I decided to stop by the small botiques near our house so I can stop thinking about it. But I couldn't next thing I know I was asking for directions to LAX.tsk!As much as I hate driving there I still went. So, when I got there and he saw me and gave me tightest hug ever and all I can say is "Wala eh,dko matiis.

*His flight was delayed for 2 hrs so I was able to spend more time with him
*Now, all I want to think is 30 days will go by really fassssst...
It was raining hard and yet it didn't stopped us from going to SkiDazzle. I was looking forward to buy some clothes for our trip to the mountain but I couldn't resist buying my own ski boots.aaaaahh!!totally unplanned. but when I saw the ski boots and how well it fitted me.I gave in.It's so out of my budget but heck! I hate renting ski boots anyways so, I went for it. Even Mike end up buying snow boots.hehe. Then we went to check out some snow boards and skis. We we're both salivating looking at all those boards. All Mike could say was "kung ndi lng ako uuwi". I on the other hand was so close to getting the Rossignol Passion ski set(with binders and all).It was $220 down from $480.It's very much discounted but had to stop myself. If only we're not paying for our own My friends on the other hand was all souped up with winter gears on hand and burton boards and Anyways, after shopping and claiming our free lift tickets for Snow summit and Big Bear we headed home.

-mahal ko carrying our boots-

*I'll post more pics later.
We started really early. Mike decided to just shop nearby instead of going to Cabazon outlet which would take 1 1/2 hrs drive. We 1st went to Toys R' Us. Mike is going home to Phil this Dec so he wanted to shop for toys for his niece and nephew and boy did we shop!! We got so many toys for them. I also got toys for my godchildren. Most of the toys we got are on sale. We were able to buy learning laptop, playdoh, singing and dancing spiderman, baby with 4 in 1 stroller, Barbie, activity walker, rc truck and medical kit which I luv bec. it was almost the same toy that made me think I want to be in a medical field when I was still young.

next stop was the mall, Mike bought a couple of pants and shirt from Old Navy and Hollister then we head off to Target. We only bought a couple of things there for pasalubong and I got my Devil Wear's Prada DVD.

Last stop for the morning was Costco and we bought a set of rechargeable battery, Teflon cooking set for mike's parents and chocolates for pasalubong again. After that we went to eat lunch then rest for a while then went shopping again but this time in the ritzy South coast Plaza.

I already warned Mike beforehand that I'm going to make a big purchase so he better not give me that "look". hehe, So, my choice is between these 4 bags. Aren't they all B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L??!! But I can only add 1 to my collection for now..So, which is which???

So, after so much thinking and salivating I chose this

I luv it. It will match my outfit on sunday and I'm going to get a lot of mileage from this bag. My only gripe is it was given to me in a small box so my bag is folded inside. I hate folded bags that's y I put paper inside my bags so it won't lose it's shape. My other LV bag comes with a right size box so no need to fold y can't they do the same thing dba?
Everyone is celebrating Thanksgiving right now here in Cali. Maybe not as festive as others celebration but as long as were recognizing the essence of this day that's all that matters.

My family don't have any fancy dinner or any turkey festivity prepared but we prayed together before dinner and gave thanks to all the blessings we have. I am particularly greatful this year for everything that happened. I graduated from nursing school, passed my boards (with the least no. of ?'s at that=), got hired at 3 hospitals(one of those is my CHOSEN hospital) and ofcourse got engaged with my first only love. Above all I get to experience all those things together with my family.
*pic taken only thru my phone

I finally got it. The shipping was fast. I ordered it just last saturday and got it today. Can't wait to use my cam and gps. I'm so happy with my purchase.hehe

Ski Dazzle-Los Angeles Ski Show & Snowboard Expo ®
Date: 11/29/2007-12/2/2007

Open to Public: Yes
Event Type: Consumer Show
Location: Hall: South Hall H-J
Park in South Hall
Contact: Judy Gray
949-497-4977 ext 68
Admission: $17.00 - Adults ( on site and E-ticket-
$ 5.00 - Children 6-12 (No lift ticket bonus)
Free - Children 1- 5 years old

Regular full paid admission includes a $49.00 interchangeable lift ticket
to Big Bear Mountain resorts, Bear Mountain or Snow Summit.

Snow season is almost here. I can't wait to go skiing but I'm definitely going to the expo first so, I can get a free lift ticket and maybe a new set of skis and ofcourse winter ensemble. I lost my snow gloves last time so I will definetely buy a new one.
I did some major damage to my account today. I bought Nikon d40x package that comes with 2 lenses and a couple of other things. I also got the Garmin nuvi 650 gps navigator. I'm so excited, hopefully they ship it before thanksgiving holiday.

I'd been wanting to buy a dslr but I kept putting it off. It's a graduation gift from my parents but I decided to pass my boards 1st before I buy it. But after passing NCLEX I put it off again and just want to wait for the thansgiving sale.But wait no more for less than a week I will have this baby in my hands.

I'm horrible with directions so navigator is a MUST for me. I had my 1st navigator few yrs ago when I use my palm pda/gps navigator but I got tired of it because it has too many wires and the screen is a little small. Then I got the Magellan Maestro 4000 but returned it because the battery sucks. So,now I bought this Garmin nuvi 650. It has a widescreen, turn-by-turn directions, with street names, an MP3 player, JPEG picture viewer and audiobook capability with anti-theft feature and the battery last 7 hrs(supposedly). I'm excited for this one too. No more missed exits or wrong turn.

I'd been having probs here at our house.So I decided to just go out with Mike. We 1st planned to eat at Kincaides but we end up in Chili's. When we were there I got a call from our house and it was the same issue.Heller!!Umalis nga ako pra lumayo sa prob pati ba nman dun sinusundan pa rin ako. Bad trip,but it never stop there all our orders MALI. Mike got a coke with unidentified floating object(ulkz!) then fries that was given to him were very few.I ordered sirloin steak but got rib eye with out mash potatoe then medium rare pa..Haayy!I didn't even asked the waiter anymore to change it dahil nawalan na ko ng gana.But my ever sweet fiance sharing me his honey roasted ribs and said he'll just cook the rib eye na lang daw sa bahay..hehe

My school friends and I had dinner at Eric's new house. It's been a while since we last saw each other so it's time for a get together again. Eric and JR cooked adobo while Paveena cooked spaghetti then I brought cake. Cynthia went straight from work then Joy and Steve came late. Everybody was happy to see each other again that even though we work at different hospitals the closeness is still there. We talked about our plans for the coming months like Cynthia's bday in Vegas, snowboarding at the mountain and ofcourse Steve n Joy's wedding at Palos Verdes. Shempre we also talked about our engagement(hehe) and Eric's new place. His house is nice it has 3 bedrooms and 4 baths. He shares it with his brother and sister. We're all so proud of him because at the age of 22 he's already a homeowner.

I've joined the band wagon. I officially got my 1st make up kit. I always see BE's infomercial but I never get to watch the whole thing. But the other day I finish the whole 30 mins and got excited about it. My friends have been using it already and looks really good on them. I went to sephora to try it and match it with my complexion and I got the Medium beige starting kit. The sales lady tried to teach me the step by step because I told her I'm a make up novice. After the trial session I'm hook it looks natural and just hide some flaws on my face..yihee!excited=)So, I bought it and hopefully learn how to do it on my own.

I signed up also with Sephora's club membership it's free and comes with a lot of deals and for every $100 you spend you get a free loot.
I wouldn't be able to go to Hollywood's Costume party this 31st because I'm working. Good thing I didn't buy any costume this yr. But Mike and I can't pass up on giving candies so decided to go to Target to buy goodies for the trick or treaters on Wed.

*look at all these goodies* *Bee with his trick or treat basket*
It was date night last night and we just went to the mall and had dinner at Chili's in Lakewood. We were supposed to watch a movie but none suited our taste. We ended up watching Ouija at his place.

Half rack ribs/Classic sirloin steak/ Molten chocolate cake
asim daw ng dessert(hehe)

shempre pacute muna ko while waiting

I had to attend an Oncology class in preparation of the new floor at the hospital. It was full of information and I felt like I'm back to school. Towards the end of the day though, some pharmaceutical company made a presentation regarding the new drug their trying for renal cancer patients and it was really informative. They brought goodies too like cosmetic bag with wellness cd and eye mask,pens notebooks and notepads and wireless mouse which I really like. I took 2 because I'm going to give it to Mike.Phyzer fed us too with delish foods like chicken malvar,cheese potatoe,fresh salad with toppings and desserts. Yes!they do everything to promote their product..
Ω-My name is Jennifer but friends call me jen, jenny or jenjen..
Ω-Sleeping is my favorite past time next to shopping.
Ω-I’m horrible with directions..Thank goodness for invention of navigator..
Ω-Sensible talks impress me.
Ω-Everybody has it’s own vices..Mine happens to be high end purses and sunglasses.
Ω- “kusa” is such an endearing character, unfortunately not all people have it.
Ω-Crying is not a’s another form of utterance.
Ω-I’m really good in finding the truth..So, don’t even bother lying.
Ω-Tailgaters and people who drive slow in the fast lane irritates me.that’s y it’s called fast lane coz ur supposed to be fast..tsk..
Ω-I’m blessed to have really really good friends..
Ω-Karma’s a bitch..
Ω-I never thought I’m capable of loving someone as much as I have.
Ω-My friends say I can work in CSI coz I’m good in connecting “dots”.hhmm..atleast I know I have something to fall back on if nursing is not for me…hehehe
Ω-I’m still with my 1st love…and hopefully my last.
Ω-I’m a Christian believer..
Ω-A blushing bride to be..
Ω-Retail therapy is the best therapy..
Ω-Caring oncology nurse
Ω-The opinion that ONLY matters to me is mine and my love ones..
Ω-On the dance floor, I’m “blessed” with 2 left feet but I think otherwise when liquor kicks in..
Ω-I’m my parents unica iha..and loving it..
I looped the other day to ER to get a sense of the activities in the Emergency Department. I was looking forward to it because I never had a clinical experience in that unit when I was still in school. I know though that I’ve always luv watching ER on tv and find it really exciting and bizarre things always happen. Although Torrance ER is not really a trauma center (meaning no gun shot wounds/ motor vehicle accidents) it was still busy. Totally different from a Med/Surg floor. You have to be fast, quick thinker and always up on your feet. Well! It was a really good experience. Unfortunately though I didn’t get to see Dr. Mc Code’y (our own version of McDreamy-lol- this ER Dr. who always responds to Code Blues hence the nick McCode’y)eeeekkk..cheezy..hehehe
I just got engaged and I'm already starting my preps.Well sort of, I'm just canvassing for suppliers and their rates. I already have an idea which ones to get but I still want to compare. Being an overseas bride is hard because I won't be able to personally touch,taste or see their products. Just today I asked my friend if she can go to the bridal fair in Rockwell and sort of get the feel how it's like. I asked her if she could take pix n such n get some pamphlets from the suppliers.Good thing pumayag=)hehe. Mike is going home for Christmas for a month and hopefully he could start booking some suppliers already. May homework cya(lol) I asked him if he could do some oculars to the venues and videotape it. Personally meet our possible wedding coordinator and see if he's comfortable w/her and meet with the p/v people and see their finish pics n albums(not only those in their website).Hayyy!so many to do's.

Sidenote:I'm still thinking which wedding organizer I'm getting;-)

So, I finally gave in and signed up here in blogspot. I'm still not giving up my multiply account but instead I'll be updating both and store the pics at multiply which is still going to be viewable only to my contacts. I also want to try paid blogging so I guess this is the place for it..