
I was flipping thru my O magazine when I saw this handy little accessory for my point and shoot camera. It's called quikpod. It's basically and extension of your hand when taking a picture. Instead of harassing other people or choosing which one of you will take the pic. Just use this and no hassle. This is very handy for me and Mike because we always have to choose who takes the pic(most of the time him=). I already ordered it from amazon and hopefully I'll get it before our July 4th getaway.

and so they won...They were the better team the whole series..Props to them. KG was so emotional after. They deserve it..But I'm still a Laker fan and we'll be back next season..hehe
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My heart that is..How can they squander a 24 point lead @ Staples Center no less. I was working when this happened but everyone from pt's room to nurses lounge the tv was focused on the nba finals. After it happened I didn't feel like working (over noh?but true) everyone was in disbelief. I would go to my pt's room to give out meds but they would rather talk about the game than the meds. When it was breaktime in our cafeteria it was "the talk" from nurses from different department. Grabe noh?!That's how affected we we're. I know it's just a "game" but the impact was that great. Then I wondered if this is how we feel what more for the players right?!It must be devasting..Well, there's still game 5 and hopefully the outcome is better...
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I snagged this from Jane and Tracy

The rules:
* 1.Determine your birthday month and get a word that rhymes with it or you can affix to it. Caps lock your birth month (ex: MAYday! JUNE dune, APRILicious, JULYvely, AUGUST pocus, parched MARCH…). Be unique.
* 2.Your birth month plus the word affixed or rhymed shall become the tag’s title in your case.
* 3.Get your birthday and add the digits involved. Example, if your birthday falls on the 25th of July, add 2 and 5 you get 7.
* 4.Whatever is the sum, write a list of the MATERIAL gifts you wish to receive, the number of which shall correspond to the sum of your birthday. For example, applying the case above (in rule number 3), you will write seven (7) things you wish to receive.
* 5.After your wish list, put your name and birthday in the Bloggers’ Birthday Directory, with a link to your blog/s. Note: when you add your birthday, please place it in a way that the dates appear chronological (January, February… 1, 2, 3)
* 6.Pass this tag meme by tagging as many people as you want.

Name: Jen

Birthday: September 26

Calculation: 2 + 6 = 8

1. Bag:Chanel black medallion tote or petite small tote;Gucci pelham white guccissima
2. Bag(again):LV damier neverfull GM, monogram tivoli pm, Denim neo cabby gm but with longer strap so I can use it as body bag
3. Car:Accesories for my acura rdx: roof rack mount with bike and snowboard attachment
4. For Mike: Subaru WRX (he luvs this car)
5. gas card with unlimited funds forever(ngee!over)ok @least just 1year
6. 2 Game 4 NBA Finals tix in ringside ofcourse
7. Atleast a 1 carat diamond stud (to match my engagement ring)
8. My dream wedding

Wow!dami WISH lang naman eh=)
February 22 - Kelly February 23 - Jammy March 7 - Mari May 8 - joanjoyce May 27 – Zang Caesar June 10 - Vien September 30 - Mckhoii December 18 - JoshuaOngYS January 27 - Farah June 4 - Jane April 18 - Tracy - September 26 - JenR.

I'm tagging Thet, Vina, Ricca and Frechie
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On our way to church,we saw this accident in the carpool lane of 110N.We didn't see it happen but the highway patrol were pretty fast in the scene.Hopefully,the people/person inside is ok.It made me more thankful that Mike drives us now to church when I work graveyard and goes to church straight.
I just got back from watching SATC with the girls.The guys meanwhile went bowling while waiting for us.We saw the last full show but the AMC theatre was still packed.Ofcourse, I enjoyed the movie,laughed a lot, and ogle on most part of their bags. Like the wedding gowns featured too, though some of it are over the top or should I say couture to the nth level. The Vera Wang gown was dreamy but I like more the Vivienne Westwood she wore on her wedding day..Made me excited to wear my wedding gown too,hehe.