Late Morning Socal experienced a 5.4 intensity earthquake. The center of the tremor was at Chino Hills around 45 mins drive from my location and what was I doing when this happened u might ask???SLEEPING hehe=)

For a backgrounder I worked my usual 7p-7a sched then headed to the Nurse's Skills Fair for 2 hrs then drove home. After a quick shower I hit the sack then went to La La land very soon after..

So when the quake happened it still woke me up for like umh...5 seconds??
I heard the painting on top of my headboard rattling and something else but I just went back to sleep again then maybe woke up after few minutes and thought "Was it real or just a dream?" then went back to sleep again.

When it was time to wake up. I saw missed calls from Mike and parents. He said he's been trying to call me but it was busy for more than few minutes and said "Just making sure ur ok..baka nahulugan kana ng cabinet or painting dyan.. then mockingly laughed..
All I could say was " Ay!lumindol pala talaga.."

I got this bag a month ago. Mae my friend's SIL was kind enough to buy it for me in Ala Moana Mall in Oahu, HI.

It's better to buy LV in Hawaii because it's atleast $50 cheaper and tax is only 4.25%(almost half of CA tax)

I got the MM size because GM was way too big.. I'd been lugging this bag for a month now and luv it..Very nice everyday bag, very low maintenance and no vachetta to worry about plus the fact it's not screaming LV..hehe
My Goodness it's been over a month since I'd been on. Been so busy with work and ironing out details of me going back to school..Yes!school I will post another entry on this because it's quite a big decision for me. Apart from that laziness also struck so didn't feel like blogging. I couldn't say the same thing thing though with shopping been doing my rounds on my fave shops and websites and got quite a few goodies. Well!I'd been working my *ss off so I deserved it.haha..rationalize rationalize..Ok!I'll try to keep this more updated.

Time to bloghop and see whats new with my blogmates=)