After stuffing ourselves with too much food last nite... We're now ready to brave the craziness of Black Friday..Well!not really since most of my shopping will be done online. Actually, I already started since last nite when I scored a new pair of boots from Nine West. I got so excited when I saw this onsale because just last week it was $100 in their store and now its more than half of it's original price, talk about a slick deal=)

Now on to the other deals that I received from my email

this is not good for my wallet..Let's see if I can score the Marc Jacobs Baby aidan..hhhmm.

and will be driving to Vegas. I can hardly wait. We'll be spending 2 nites and 3 days in Mandalay Bay(yeah!after going back and forth between Wynn and MB we decided to just book the latter because of the "
beach" and home of the Lion King play)
Here's our proposed itenerary
-leave LA around 7am
-pitt stop at Barstow
-drop by Stateline(wana check Neiman Marcus last call outlet)
-lunch in planet pH
-check-in @ 3 in MB
- hang at the beach or gamble at the casino or nap
-quick dinner
-prep for nite out
-clubbing in tryst or tao
Day 2
-hang again at the beach/gamble
-quick lunch
-casino hop/shopping for the girls
-watch Lion King
-lounge at eye candy
For day 3 we have to leave before noon since 2 of us have to go to work that night..
So, there you go, the proposed plan w/c I don't think will be really followed knowing us;-)
updating this is such a pain with to many things going on. But let me leave you with pics from our trip in Disney World Orlando last month. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish my entry re: our trip because I had so much fun and learned few things I wish I knew beforehand that maybe can help anyone planning to visit Florida.


of Earth Day I received this email from LV re: their support for The Climate Project. I thought it was such a good idea because ur not only adding another bag to ur collection ur also helping mother Earth..I showed it to Mike and he gave me the look (lol)
"humihirit na nmam daw ako"
be more charming?Seriously,the look just smolders*melts* I admit I watched the Oscars last night (including the red carpet) in full anticipation of his appearance and he doesn't disappoint..
*Credit to everglow
Yes!I am, it's been months,my last post was thanksgiving and after that I'd been swamped and got so lazy to even write any updates. I would check in a couple of times and read my fellow bloggers blogs and thats it.
So, for speedddyyy update here it goes..
*Christmas was spent both with our families,Eve with my side of family and day of with his,we also made rounds with friends to give their gifts(w/c unfortunately wasn't given ahead of time)Re:gifts hhhmm,ofcourse Meeke made me really happy=)he gave the bike rack that I've wanted for sooooo long fully installed in the rdx and also an iphone, gave him on the other hand shirts, portable hard drive and paid full year auto insurance (we're usually 50/50).
I also treated myself last christmas aside from a new "sister" of the flap(I'll take a pic next time)I also got myself a collectors hard cover edition of Twilight Saga. I know I know I was late on this but mind u, I was never this eager to open a box from amazon.
I got accepted at CalState Fullerton for my continued education. Start of class was late January but end up delaying my entrance for fall this year.
Celebrated anniversary with Meeke,we actually didn't do anything big the day of aside from the cupcakes and to-go sushi order. I was sick and Meeke was just recovering from flu so no energy to go out. We're going to celebrate though with trip to Orlando early next month(more on this on my next post).
Vegas getaway with my hospital girl friends. It was nice to relax and unwind with no boys...
I also received a terrible news last week which I'd rather not disclose.I was really disappointed, just thinking about it now makes me cry. But I just have to keep reminding myself that it's just a setback and Lord will help me to get through this. My family and Meeke is been very supportive too.
So, there you go.